Results for 'Claude Lawrence Fox'

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  1.  34
    An Introduction to the Study of Experimental Medicine.Claude Bernard, Henry Copley Greene & Lawrence Joseph Henderson - 1957 - Courier Corporation.
    The basic principles of scientific research from the great French physiologist whose contributions in the 19th century included the discovery of vasomotor nerves; nature of curare and other poisons in human body; more.
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    Foundations: A Manual for the Beginning Student of Epistemology.Claude L. Fox - 1999 - Upa.
    Foundations: A Manual for the Beginning Student of Epistemology provides the tools required for understanding traditional western epistemology, and an appreciation for its development into contemporary theories without using the traditional historic approach. Instead of requiring students to struggle through a myriad of epistemological works, each with its own unique perspective, presuppositions, and terminology in hopes that they emerge with a general sense of the field, Claude L. Fox conveys the traditional concepts of western epistemology by identifying its key (...)
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    Protecting the Continuing Duties of Loyalty and Confidentiality in Ineffective Assistance of Counsel Claims.Lawrence J. Fox, Darcy Covert & Megan Mumford - 2020 - Criminal Justice Ethics 39 (1):23-53.
    The success or failure of an ineffective assistance of counsel claim turns largely on the testimony of trial counsel. It is therefore common for the government to communicate ex parte with trial co...
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    On the need for a new concept of underachiever.Claude L. Fox - 1968 - Ethics 79 (1):82-85.
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    Fifteen years of the history of science in Europe: Personal reflections by the ESHS presidents.Koen Vermeir, Claude Debru, Robert Fox, Eberhard Knobloch, Helge Kragh, Soňa Štrbáňová, Fabio Bevilacqua, Karine Chemla & Antoni Malet - 2018 - Centaurus 60 (1-2):104-123.
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    Sciences varia vulgarisation scientifique.Anne-Marie Chouillet, Hervé Guénot, Robert Fox, Claude Blanckaert, Jean-François Baillon & Andreas Kleinert - 1992 - Revue de Synthèse 113 (3-4):487-498.
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  7. Claude L. Fox, Foundations: A Manual for the Beginning Student of Epistemology Reviewed by.Andrew Latus - 2000 - Philosophy in Review 20 (3):174-177.
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    How Clever Was the Old Fox.Lawrence Finsen & Susan Finsen - 1988 - Between the Species 4 (2):8.
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    Sister Margaret Mary Fox: The Life and Times of St. Basil the Great as Revealed in His Works. Pp. xvi+176. Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America, 1939. Paper, $2. [REVIEW]Claude Jenkins - 1940 - The Classical Review 54 (01):53-54.
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    W. Peter Robinson, Arguing to Better Conclusions. A Human Odyssey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Mahwah, New Jersey, 2006, ISBN:0-8058-5951-9.Claude Gratton - 2009 - Argumentation 23 (2):291-292.
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    The Background to the Discovery of Dulong and Petit's Law.Robert Fox - 1968 - British Journal for the History of Science 4 (1):1-22.
    The years immediately after the final downfall of Napoleon Bonaparte could easily have been years of anti-climax in French science. In 1815, after two decades of undoubted greatness, the time, I feel, was ripe for decline. And decline might well have occurred if the traditions and the style of science as practised in France in the period of Napoleon's rule had been carried on unchanged by the disciples of the two great men who had dominated work in the physical sciences (...)
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    Hurricane Gloria.Lawrence Dugan - 2020 - Arion 28 (2):65-68.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Hurricane Gloria LAWRENCE DUGAN A screaming northern gale flew past his wild words And slammed the sails, and pulled a wave toward heaven. —Aeneid, i.102–3 (Sarah Ruden, trans.) i. A phalanx of weather tools at the door, A shovel, an ice-pick, an umbrella, A new cane, leaning against each other, Plastic fabricated to resist storms, Reminds me of a storm I rode out years ago, The Nor’easter of (...)
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    Cultures without culturalism: the making of scientific knowledge.Karine Chemla & Evelyn Fox Keller (eds.) - 2017 - Durham: Duke University Press.
    Cultural accounts of scientific ideas and practices have increasingly come to be welcomed as a corrective to previous—and still widely held—theories of scientific knowledge and practices as universal. The editors caution, however, against the temptation to overgeneralize the work of culture, and to lapse into a kind of essentialism that flattens the range and variety of scientific work. The book refers to this tendency as culturalism. The contributors to the volume model a new path where historicized and cultural accounts of (...)
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    Jean-Claude Mühlethaler, Charles d'Orléans, un lyrisme entre Moyen Âge et modernité. Paris: Éditions Classiques Garnier, 2010. Paper. Pp. 246. €29. ISBN: 9782812401824.John Fox and Mary-Jo Arn, eds., Poetry of Charles d'Orléans and His Circle: A Critical Edition of BnF MS fr. 25458, Charles d'Orléans's Personal Manuscript., trans., R. Barton Palmer. Tempe: Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, in collaboration with Brepols, 2010. Pp. lxiii, 957. $120. ISBN: 9780866984317. [REVIEW]Samuel N. Rosenberg - 2013 - Speculum 88 (2):557-559.
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    Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries Claude Bernard and Animal Chemistry. By Frederic Lawrence Holmes. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1974. Pp. xx + 541. No price stated. [REVIEW]Seymour Mauskopf - 1977 - British Journal for the History of Science 10 (2):179-180.
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    Photographing Medicine: Images and Power in Britain and America since 1840Daniel M. Fox Christopher Lawrence.Barbara Melosh - 1989 - Isis 80 (4):681-682.
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    Daniel M. Fox & Christopher Lawrence. Photographing Medicine: Images and Power in Britain and America since 1840. New York, Westport, London: Greenwood Press, 1988. Pp. 357. ISBN 0-313-23719-0. £36.50. [REVIEW]Stuart Blume - 1990 - British Journal for the History of Science 23 (3):364-365.
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    Kerry S. Walters. The American Deists: Voices of Reason and Dissent in the Early Republic. Pp. 395.(Lawrence, KS: Kansas University Press, 1992.) $35.00 Robin Lane Fox. The Unauthorised Version: Truth and Fiction in the Bible. Pp. 478.(Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1992.) AP Martinich. The Two Gods of Leviathan: Thomas Hobbes on Religion and Politics. Pp. 430.(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992.)£ 35· 00, $59· 95· Anne Loades and Loyal D. Rue. Contemporary Classics in Philosophy of Religion. Pp. xii+ ... [REVIEW]Peter Byrne - 1993 - Religious Studies 29 (2):273-275.
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    The duration of mind.Claude Teancum Barnes - 1955 - Salt Lake City,: Ralton Co..
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    L'Ordre des caractères: aspects de l'hérédité dans l'histoire des sciences de l'homme : conférences.Claude Bénichou (ed.) - 1989 - Paris: J. Vrin.
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    Religious perplexities.Lawrence Pearsall Jacks - 1923 - London,: Hodder & Stoughton.
    This particular book has been published by The Ecumenical Theological Seminary, and is part of The Ecumenical Theological Seminary Library. In addition to our many other endeavors, primarily our ongoing goal to strive for, and achieve theological academic excellence, The Ecumenical Theological Seminary publishes literature pertaining to Theological subject matter, Spirituality, Meditation, Religion, Mysticism, et cetera.If you are an aspiring writer, or an author who would like to have your work published, or if you would like to submit a proposal, (...)
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    Space, Time, and Relativity.Lawrence Sklar - 2000 - In W. Newton-Smith (ed.), A companion to the philosophy of science. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell. pp. 461–469.
    Given the central role played by space and time both in our ordinary experience and in our attempts to understand the world by means of scientific theory, it is no surprise that attempts to understand space and time form a central locus of the interaction of philosophy and the physical sciences.
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    Reductionism and nominalism in Descartes's theory of attributes', Topoi 16: 129-40.Lawrence Nolan - 1997 - Topoi 16 (2):129-40.
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    Les controverses d'un modèle universel.Claude Albagli - 2007 - Diogène 219 (3):104-117.
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    Le même et l’autre sur Internet.Claude Gagnon - 1996 - Horizons Philosophiques 6 (2):19.
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    The Deweyan View of Experience.Lawrence Haworth - 1986 - In Michael H. Mitias (ed.), Possibility of the aesthetic experience. Norwell, MA, USA: Distributors for the U.S. and Canada, Kluwer Academic. pp. 79--89.
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  27. La phénoménologie en sa possibilité: la dispute de l'a priori synthétique et ses enjeux.Claude Romano - 2006 - Recherches Husserliennes 24:3-34.
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  28. Haunted by the Spectre of Virtual Particles: A Philosophical Reconsideration.Tobias Fox - 2008 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 39 (1):35-51.
    A virtual particle is an elementary particle in a quantum field theory that serves to symbolise the interaction of its counterparts, the so called real particles. In the last 20 years, philosophers of physics have put forth several arguments for and against an interpretation of virtual particles as being like ordinary objects in space and time. In this article, I will attempt to systematise the major arguments and argue that no pro-argument is ultimately satisfactory, and that only one contra-argument—that of (...)
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  29. From Modernism to Postmodernism.Lawrence E. Cahoone (ed.) - 1996 - Cambridge, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell.
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  30. Le De Felicitate du Circa Moralem Philosophiam des Communia du Pseudo-Robert Grosseteste.Claude Lafleur et Joanne Carrier - 2018 - In Claude Lafleur (ed.), Les philosophies morale et naturelle du Pseudo-Robert Grosseteste: étude, édition critique et traduction des Communia de Salamanque (Ms. Salamanca, BU 1986, fol. 99ra-102vb). Québec: Les Presses de l'Université Laval.
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  31. Le testament philosophique.Claude Forain - 1951 - Paris,: J. Vrin.
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  32.  38
    Each distinct type of mental state is supported by specific brain functions.Claude Gottesmann - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (6):941-943.
    Reflective waking mentation is supported by cortical activating and inhibitory processes. The thought-like mental content of slow wave sleep appears with lower levels of both kinds of influence. During REM sleep, the equation: activation + disinhibition + dopamine may explain the often psychotic-like mode of psychological functioning. [Hobson et al.; Nielsen; Revonsuo; Solms; Vertes & Eastman].
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    Common sense morality.Lawrence Haworth - 1954 - Ethics 65 (4):250-260.
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    The Process of Endosmosis in the Bergsonian Critique.Lawrence Westerby Howe - 1987 - Modern Schoolman 65 (1):29-45.
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    Une amphore inédite du « Peintre de la Gorgone ».Claude Rolley - 1961 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 85 (1):539-543.
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  36. Modes of exchange : the culture and politics of public demonstrations.Claude Rosental - 2017 - In Karine Chemla & Evelyn Fox Keller (eds.), Cultures without culturalism: the making of scientific knowledge. Durham: Duke University Press.
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    Towards a reassessment of early Victorian aesthetics: The metaphysical foundations.Lawrence J. Starzyk - 1971 - British Journal of Aesthetics 11 (2):167-177.
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    Governance in the age of global markets: challenges, limits, and consequences.Lawrence Busch - 2014 - Agriculture and Human Values 31 (3):513-523.
    We live in an age defined in large part by various facets of neoliberalism. In particular, the market world has impinged on virtually every aspect of food and agriculture. Moreover, most nation-states and many international governance bodies incorporate aspects of neoliberal perspectives. Multi-stakeholder initiatives, with their own standards, certifications, and accreditations are evidence of both the continuing hegemony of neoliberalism as well as various responses to it. Importantly, to date even attempts to limit neoliberal hegemony through MSIs have been largely (...)
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  39. Sobre la representación de las lógicas griegas en los sistemas post-fregueanos.Claude Imbert - 1983 - Anuario Filosófico 16 (1):43-88.
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    La pensee monetaire de Schumpeter : La vitesse de circulation de la monnaie.Claude Jaeger - 1998 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 8 (4):479-490.
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    Fragments de "Vita Nova".Claude Miniere - 1977 - Substance 6 (16):37.
  42. La phénoménologie de l'expérience morale chez Kant.Claude Piche - 2003 - Kairos (Université de Toulouse-Le Mirail. Faculté de philosophie) 22:123-150.
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  43. Beyond Adaptation: Stoicism, Transcendence, and Moviegoing in Walker Percy and Stanley Cavell.Lawrence F. Rhu - 2008 - Analecta Husserliana 96:199-209.
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    Do espaço e do tempo ao espaço-tempo.Lawrence Sklar - 2006 - Critica.
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    Problemas filosóficos tradicionais sobre o espaço e o tempo.Lawrence Sklar - 2006 - Critica.
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    Imagery and verbal thought during rumination and distraction: Does imagery amplify affective response?Hannah R. Lawrence & Rebecca A. Schwartz-Mette - 2018 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (5):1006-1019.
    ABSTRACTRumination has long been considered a verbal thought process, though emerging evidence suggests that some individuals dwell on maladaptive imagery. This series of studies evaluated imagery and verbal thought during experimentally induced rumination and distraction. In Study 1, imagery and verbal thought during rumination resulted in similar increases in negative affect. Greater imagery during distraction, on the other hand, was associated with greater decreases in negative affect while verbal thought was not related to affect change. Given that greater verbal thought (...)
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    The Modernist as Mystic: Baron Friedrich von Hügel.Lawrence Barmann - 1997 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 4 (2):221-250.
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    Medium Specificity in Holocaust-Related Films.Lawrence Benaquist & Sander Lee - 2018 - Film and Philosophy 22:58-77.
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    Race, Virtue, and Moral Education.Lawrence Blum - 2004 - Philosophy of Education 60:51-59.
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    A Kind of Naturalism.Lawrence Cahoone - 2013 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 34 (3):214-225.
    This paper suggests a kind of naturalism that, while based in the natural sciences, can address questions of value and meaning, including the compatibility of religion and naturalism. Certainly any of its details may be wrong, and other theories may be more deeply or more comprehensively true. Nevertheless I think it is likely approximately true, and its direction should be capable of incorporation into successor theories (should any successors be interested). It is built to respond to three problems. First, its (...)
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